Thursday, 14 December 2006

Friendly Advice

Never fall in love with an angel if you don't have the wings to follow her.
For even if you manage to reach the silver lined summits in which she abides,
there is no safe route back down.
And when she moves towards her next cloud, as angels
free to roam the vast expanses of time and space, always will
you just might find that heaven can be a very lonely place.

Never mistake Beauty for Tenderness, Tenderness for Love, or Love with Ecstasy
all of these are capable of existing without the other.

Never lock yourself away
without an adequate supply of pens and paper
never begin writing if you already know
how you are going to finish

Never expect others to be as enlightened as you are.
Never believe that you are more enlightened than others.

Never forget the words the prophet scratched into the stone
of your heart

Never mistake a stolen moment for a life time

Never fall in Love with an angel